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Case Studies

Executive summary: A midsized company tries to spike revenue and engage their 24 member sales team. The team struggling to generate leads. The operations team do not have projects, auditors’ state that the company is liable to bankruptcy.

Problem statement: No leads, no sales, no business. The investors are worried, stock prices are depreciating every No statistics to review/ report failure or opportunities, Unable to define the business type of enterprises profit customer, unable to profile customers due to huge discounts, resulted in loss of job and losing talented employees.

Solution: We studied the current marketing methods and the findings were:

They were too conventional, no modern method of marketing were used. Each search for prospects by themselves consumed a lot of time. They were unable to reach them on time and not more than 100 prospects were contacted in a day on an average. Being unable to talk to the right decision makers doomed their fate of success.

We identified the market and prepared a database, outlining the potential opportunities and business in and outside their reach.

Prepared data based on: Company Name, Company Website, Industry, Contact name (full name), Address, Title, Telephone number, verified emails address, Revenue size and Employee Size.

Stated email campaign with variety of offers using various templates. The lead and enquiries were followed up using tele calling. This method gave a significant push in the leads pipeline and sales conversions. We partnered with this company for 4 years and saw huge growth revenue.


Industry: Healthcare
Challenge: Market survey and New product launch
The issue was studied and the findings were the obtaining the right data and right campaign tool.
The marketing strategies were studied and drafted to suit the need of the product and its end customer. Email campaign using the quality data at the right time.
Results: This has resulted in increase in productivity and 80% reduction in rework.
Revenue saved: $1,200,000 annually


Industry: Healthcare
Challenge:Manpower utilization and medical equipment sales
Due to increase in patients and change in treatment it was too challenging to manage the resources and there was shortage of resources or sometime excess. We studied the patients in and out flow. The data captured was utilized and necessary changes were made to accommodate all the patients at any time of the day. This also eased the staff’s work and smooth functioning of the organization. The target markets were also identified and the methods of marketing has increased in bookings and references.
Results:Operational excellence and increased sales
Revenue saved:$4,050,000 annually