
✆ +1 714 312 3523

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the list delivered?
List will delivered in excel, CSV and txt format. Kindly let us know if you need the list in any other format.

How do I order for the database?
Provide us the following details like industry/SICcode, title and geography. If you are not clear about your target audience, we can help through calls or emails.

When should I pay?
While we are building and verifying the data you can make the payment.

What mode of payment you accept?
We accept both check and wire payment

Within how many days we can expect the list?
We need 3 to 5 business days to verify 10,000 contacts (average)

Can I get the data in 24 hours?
Yes, we can deliver the list within 24hrs, with additional rush fee.

How would you price me for appending?
We will do a sample of 10 contacts and check for the how old the data is and we work on every contact for appending manually.

How do you obtain your data?
There are various sources through which we have build the data over a period of time.
some of our sources include, search engines like Google, Alta vista, Bing, yahoo, social media, press releases, associations, chamber of commerce, registrations, subscribers to various articles and magazine, email campaign, tele-calling, survey campaigns, SEC filings, partnership with various groups, events and conference, job and matrimonial portals alike.

How do you verify your data and how current it is?
Every contact gets verified through various sources that include random campaign and 100% email verification, cross source verification, tele-verification alike. We update our database atleast twice a quarter and also before every list delivery.

What is the quality of your data and terms?
90% plus on emails and above 95% and above on other fields. We replace bounce backs exceeding 10%. Faulty contacts should be reported within 10 working days for replacement.

Do I get discounts?
Yes, you get discounts on repeat or second projects.

How can I become a reseller/broker?
Contact us and we will guide you.

What if we have a file and have missing information and the file old?
We will append the data and replace faulty contacts.

Do you do email campaigns?
Yes, we can execute email campaigns on your behalf and you can either provide your list or take list rental from us.

Do you rent or sell the list?
We do both

How is your database priced?
Our pricing is based on the volume of records and number of selects or customization.
Custom data would include filters like, titles, states, revenue or employee size, industries.

How do I make the best use of your data?
Consult us and we will brief all the details for your campaign. Kindly comply with CAN SPAM policy.

What is your usual match rate?
We usually match between 50-80% of your database with e-mail addresses from our national opt-in database of over 19 million records. It varies based on the how old the contacts are.

Where do you get your data from?
We have multiple source from where we get opt in Database. Our current database has been acquired during the past 3 years. Our subscribers have responded to various Internet offers from some of our Internet relationships and publication partnerships, regulatory bodies, online magazine, trade show, conferences. As part of the offer they have agreed to accept third-party offers via email.

What information is required for your company to achieve a match / append?
To achieve a successful match a full name (first and last name), website URL, title, telephone number and direct mailing address if available.

What will my file look like after the matching / append process is completed?

What kind of information is included when a successful match / append is made?
A successful match will include an email address, title, executive name, date stamp, The opt-in information validates that the user opted into the database and, therefore, protects you from any potential complaints from the user.

How accurate is your data?
We update our database monthly once, we run opt out mailer periodically to comply with CAN SPAM Policy.

How much does it cost to have my database appended?
Our pricing is based on the Match rate and volume of records to be appended.
We will look into pricing case by case.

How long does the data append process take?
We need seven to ten business days to work on volumes more then 50,000 contacts and verify emails with opt in contacts.

Why are you superior to your competition?
Researched database, tele verified and Opt-in contacts, quick turn around time, highest deliverability on emails and competitive pricing.

What is a "permission pass mailing"?
A "permission pass mailing" is an email campaign that is sent to your behalf, informing your clients that your business will be communicating with them electronically. Your clients may opt-out or unsubscribe from your offer as a result of this campaign. This service will also enable us to remove the small percentage of bounces that may occur as a result of this campaign. * Please note this is a separate service requiring a separate fee.

What about privacy?
As a reputable email data append company we require that the database contain data from your customers, and your customers only. Your list should not include strangers who have never heard from you or your business. The append process is about opening a new line of communication with your clients that is more efficient and cost effective. As a company or organization with an existing relationship with your customer, you have the right to ethically contact them in a manner that protects their privacy. It is not advisable for you to sell or transfer your appended list or breach your customer's privacy by sharing this data with other companies that do not have an existing relationship with your customers. Please review our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy for details.